Feb 13 2010

Signtronix Reviews

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Signtronix Reviews - How a Good Sign Helped a Mexican Restaurant

The right sign can make a huge difference in the amount of new walk-in business your business location will enjoy. This is because the right sign and outdoor advertising tells the traffic passing by about your business, products, and services in ways you never imagined possible. Companies which are struggling often find their salvation simply by changing their storefront image, including the signage. In multiple reviews, Signtronix sign products have been proven to be very effective in providing your business the ability to grow its customer base and be more profitable.

Signtronix reviewed the case of the Mexican restaurant, they had a sign, but the sign was confusing to potential customers. It did not clearly describe what the restaurant was offering to guests that had never visited the establishment. During the Signtronix reviews of the business location and surrounding traffic pattern it was noted that there was even a mention of a hamburger on the sign. This is when the company switched over to a Signtronix sign. Now, there is no confusion as to what the restaurant offers in terms of cuisine. There is also no mistaking the difference the sign has made in the success of the restaurant.

After having the Signtronix sign installed, the Mexican restaurant was able to enjoy an increase of 300% in sales. This has made it possible for the restaurant to be successful more than they had ever imagined possible. It also clearly states the importance of a good sign since the Mexican restaurant made no other changes to the way they do business. The only thing which changed about the business was the sign which was out front. This review clearly demonstrates the marketing potential and impact the right signage can have on your business.

VIDEO: Signtronix Reviews the Impact of Signage on Restaurant Location

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